Francesco - 3D Reel

3D character animation and modeling in Maya with Nuke compositing

Francesco - 3D Reel 3D Computer Graphics

Behind the scenes

From 2008 to 2009 I attended BigRock Institute of Magic Technologies. It ended up revealing itself an amazing journey that brought me to learn all about the fascinating world of Computer Graphic. The Master program was structure to give us, the attendees, a professional training that will allow us to be able to work professionally in a 3d animated movie production.


We trained with disciplines like 3D modeling (organic, inorganic, NURBS), 3D Character rigging, 3D character animation, visual effects, photo editing and compositing in Photoshop, video editing in Adobe Premiere, video compositing in Nuke and After Effects, photography with DSLRs cameras and much more. Everything wasn’t limited to the technical software skills that someone could acquire but also to the surrounding disciplines required to bring to life a 3D animated movie, from story telling and concepting to sketching and hand drawing.


Short movie released in Europe’s theaters

At the end of the year we worked on the creation of short movie, named “Pet Pals Supermarket” (Cuccioli, La ricetta per la torta) short movie on Vimeo,

This short movie was featured with “PetPals and Marco Polo code” movie IMDb. The movie was released theaters all over Europe.

My role was a 3D Character Animator, we used Autodesk Maya. I worked on 180 frames scene.


Softwares skills

Photoshop (advanced), After Effect (advanced), Nuke (basic), Illustrator (intermediate), Maya (Certified by Autodesk)


Official Autodesk Certifications

Autodesk Maya Foundation, Autodesk Maya MEL programming, Autodesk Maya Character Rigging & Animation
